Gallic fabrics and embroideries. Gaul Plate 8.
Category: Fashion History
Gilt State Bed of Queen Marie Antoinette. Palais de Fontainebleau.
French, Style Louis XVI. In the Chambre à Coucher, Palais de Fontainebleau, France. The Lyonnais Silk Hangings, designed by Philippe de Lassale.
Costume de Dame de Cour sous le regne de Louis XVI, 1779.
Court Lady under the reign of Louis XVI, for the balls of the Queen (Marie Antoinette) in 1774, 1775 and 1776 adopted for the role of the Marquise de Lenoncourt.
The comfortable costumes of the fashionable Gallic women.
Carvings on Gallo-Roman tombs show the fashionable gallic women dressed in the penula, sometimes they have an apron over a very short tunic.
Coiffure l’Ingénue, Coiffure en Hérisson a crochets 1785.
Cabinet des Modes, Ou Les Modes Nouvelles.
The European Grand Prix at the Circuit de Lyon 1924
Costumes by Georges Dœuillet, Jeanne Lanvin, Jean Patou, Premet,
Ali Baba and the forty thieves by Walter Crane.
Ali Baba and the forty thieves by Walter Crane. In the Arabic version of Thousand and One Nights this story was not yet contained.
Accessoires of the 15th century
Head-dress, Clasp for a Cloak, Rosary and Alms-box, from a painting by Van Eyck
The Garter. Orders of Knighthood.
A Knight of the Order of the Garter. British order of chivalry. The accompanying plate represents the dress of a Knight of the Garter about the time of Edward IV. or Richard III.
13th century duchess costume. Middle ages.
The picture is one of the most precious ornaments of the Academy of Fine Arts at Pisa.