Soldiers of the middle ages. An archer and crossbowman (Arbalète) attack a fortress castle.
Category: Fashion History
The English Civil War. The Battle of Marston Moor on 2 July 1644 .
The Battle of Marston Moor was held on 2 July 1644 near York
Court messenger and peasant costumes, 15th century.
Court messenger and peasant costumes, 1460 – 1500. Medieval gothic, burgundy fashion history.
The Schaller. Helmet and neck cover from the 15th century.
The Schaller or Salade. Helmet and neck cover (beard hood) from the 15th century.
Imperial Herald and Lansquenet 1510-1550, by Hans Holbein.
Imperial Herald from the first half of the 16th century. Colored pen drawings by Hans Holbein. Garb of the common lansquenets.
Chapeau de paille cousue. La mode 1834.
Chapeau de paille cousue. La mode 1834. Chapeau de paille cousue et paille de riz. Robe de Jaconas et mousseline laine imprimé. Canezou de batiste garni de dentellas.
Roland at the Battle of Roncesvalles.
Roland at the Battle of Roncesvalles. ROLAND, the hero of Pulci’s “Morgante Maggiore,” was the nephew of Charlemagne. As he was leading the rear-guard of Charlemagne’s army through the valley… Read More
The Migration Period. Historical atlas of modern Europe.
Historical atlas of modern Europe from the decline of the Roman empire: comprising also maps of parts of Asia and of the New world connected with European.
Historical atlas of the principality of Antioch.
Syria during the period of the crusades, 1096-1291. The crusades. The county of Edessa. The principality of Antioch. The county of Tripoli.
The kingdom of Jerusalem. List of places and names.
Carolingian 768 – 814. The Frankish power.
The Frankish power. The Byzantine Empire. The Scandinavian kingdoms. The Norwegian coast-lands. The Caliphate of the Omayads.