Pius VI. P. M.
Category: Genre
The Basilians. Nun of the Order of St. Basil in her Choir dress.
The Basilians of Saint Josaphat are affiliated to the Ruthenian Greek-Catholic Church and are integrated into the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. They belong to the Basilians.
Habit of an Augustin Nun. Order St. Augustin 18th c.
Religieuse de L’Ordre de St. Augustin. The relatives of the Augustinian women’s orders are also called Augustinians.
Harvester at Berkshire County Mass. 1899
Harvester at Berkshire County Mass. 1899
Various opium pipes. Opium smocking in Shanghai 1899.
The native opium grown in China, is generally considered the most inferior, and the Indian opium, especially Malwa and Patna, the best.
Agnès-Drecoll. Robe d’après-midi en crêpe de Chine noir.
Ali Baba and the forty thieves by Walter Crane.
Ali Baba and the forty thieves by Walter Crane. In the Arabic version of Thousand and One Nights this story was not yet contained.
THE GRAND SEIGNEUR. The Turkish Sultan in 1749.
THE GRAND SEIGNEUR, taken from VIEN’S CARAVANNE, a book which represents the Dresses in a Turkish Masquerade given by the Pensioners of the French Academy at Rome, in the Year… Read More
Honorable Artillery Company of London
Honorable Artillery Company of London
Habit of the Sultaness Queen in 1749.
Habit of the Sultaness Queen in 1749. La Sultane Reine. Consort of the Ottoman sultan. THE SULTANESS QUEEN, from VIEN’S CARAVANE *. The Habit of the Women, like that of… Read More