A Knight of the Order of the Garter. British order of chivalry. The accompanying plate represents the dress of a Knight of the Garter about the time of Edward IV. or Richard III.
The Tokchim Tarjum. The Forbidden Land, 1898.
The Tokchim Tarjum, 1898.
13th century duchess costume. Middle ages.
The picture is one of the most precious ornaments of the Academy of Fine Arts at Pisa.
Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923). French actress
Sarah Bernhardt (actually Marie Henriette Rosine Bernardt) was a French actress. She is considered the most famous actress of her time.
Emma Hayden Eames (1865 – 1952) American opera singer.
Emma Hayden Eames (1865 – 1952) was an American opera singer (soprano) and vocal pedagogue. Leading member of the “Met”.
An elegant English lady in 15th century fashion.
This costume belongs to the close of the fifteenth century, and is one of the most elegant of this epoch.
Viuda Rica Coiffure. Toro, Zamora Spain
The festival dress of the women of Toro is called the Costume of the Rich Widow (Viuda Rica).
A German Falconer in the time of Frederic II, Emperor of Germany
A German Falconer in the time ofFrederic II, Emperor of Germany
A peasant bride from Brittany in 1840
Peasant bride from Brittany in 1840
Painted glass. Gilbert de Clare, 5th Earl of Gloucester
Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester of the name, was one of the principal barons who took up arms against King John. The royal line of the Plantagenets.