Byzantine Dalmatic, Ecclesiastical Costume Byzantine Dalmatic, said to have belonged to Leo III., but probably dating from the Twelfth Century, preserved in the Treasury of St. Peter’s at Rome. Upon… Read More
Comparison of the French and English modes during the Regency.
Insular prejudice. The short waist is adopted. Comparison of the French and English modes. Current modes of the time: prevailing colors. Full dress. Hair-dressing. Jewellery. Costumes 1815. Fashion in Paris. Paris crowded with English. Madame de Staël in Paris. Fashion in Paris. Return of Royalty. The Tuileries. Ball dresses. London 1816. Fêtes to celebrate the Restoration. The Caledonian Ball.
The Days of the Directoire. Costumes under the French Revolution.
Costume under the Revolution; Versailles no longer the arbiter of the mode – Anglomania, “Anticomania,” Rousseau, and a “return to Nature ” – Blonde perukes – Dresses à la Flore, à la Diane, etc. – The classical cothurnus; the “balantine ” – Pink silk tights and gauze veiled nudities – Impossibles and Incroyables; masculine dress à la Anglaise – Official costumes of National Representatives and of Directors – Barras’ little joke – A lady on contemporary fashions in Paris.
Paris after the Revolution 1796-1800.
French Directory. Fashion in Paris after the Revolution 1796-1800. Directoire. Semi-nude women in the Champs Élysées – No pockets – Mademoiselle Mars makes yellow velvet the rage – Rivalry between Mesdames Hamelin… Read More
Scottish clans Raonuil, or Mac Donalds of Clan Ranald.
Raonuil, or Mac Donalds of Clan Ranald. THIS branch of Clan Donald anciently held extensive insular possessions and other territories.
Clan Gillinhreac, or Mac Gillivray of the Scottish Highlands.
The principal branch has long resided in Inverness-shire, and the chief was designated, from his property, Duu-mac-glas, the fort of the grey man’s son.
Scottish Clan Siosal, or the Chisholms of the Scottish Highlands.
Scottish Clann Siosal, or the Chisholms. Displaying Their Dress, Arms, Tartans, Armorial Insignia. History of the Chisholms, with genealogies of the principal families of the name.
Archibald Anderson Brown. The Highlanders of Scotland.
Archibald Anderson Brown. H.R.H. PRINCE LEOPOLD`S VALET.
JOHN GRANT (1810-1879) at Loch-na-Gar, Aberdeenshire.
JOHN GRANT (1810-1879) at Loch-na-Gar, Aberdeenshire. HER MAJESTY`S HEAD KEEPER AT BALMORAL.
Piper William Macdonald. The Prince of Wales Piper.
WILLIAM MACDONALD. H.R.H. The Prince of Wales Piper. Dressed in the tartan of the Duke of Rothesay, one of H.R.H.`s titles.