Jane Grey claimed in 1553 for a short time the title of Queen of England. Since then, she has been dubbed The Nine Days’ Queen or The Thirteen Days’ Queen.
Category: Nobility
King Henry VI. and his court. The good duke Humphrey.
Henry VI, (1421 – 1471) was the last king of England from the house Lancaster. The house Lancaster is a side line of the House Plantagenet and an English royal dynasty.
The Romance of the Rose. The Art of courtly love.
The Romance of the Rose. The Art of courtly love. 15th century.
Christine de Pizan presenting her manuscript
Christine de Pizan presenting her manuscript against the Roman de la Rose to Queen Isabeau of Bavaria, France c. 1410 – c. 1414.
Fashion under the Reign of Francis II. 1559 to 1560.
The earliest queens of fashion — Mary Stuart’s costumes; her jewels — Description of bodices and sleeves of that period — Crosses — The “loup” or small mask — Coiffure “en raquette” — An anecdote concerning high heels — Regulations respecting fashion — Remark of a lady of our own day on distinctions in dress — Exordium of the Edict of July 12, 1549 — Maximum of marriage portions — The first knitted silk stockings.
Fashion under the Reign of Henry II. 1547 to 1558.
French Renaissance Period. Fashion under Henry II. 1547 to 1558.
Fashion under the Reign of Francis I. 1515 to 1545. French Renaissance.
The court of Francis I. Increase of love of dress. La Belle Ferroniere. Artistic head-dresses. The Vertugadin. Contenances. Marguerite de Navarre. The fashions of the day, by Rabelais.
Corsages & Bodices. Fashion under Louis XVI.
Bodices. Fashions under Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette 1774-1789. Rococo fashions.
Coiffes, capuchons. Les modes sous Louis XVI. La mode du rococo.
Caps fashion under Louis XVI., 1774 to 1789 (Late baroque, rococo fashion era)
Manteaux. Les modes sous Louis XVI. La mode du rococo.
Manteaux. Relatif à L’Histoire du Costume Féminin Français. Amazone à trois collets, Jeune dame en habit de chasse, Manteau de taffetas soufre tendre, Redingote à collet et à bavaroise.