Glimpses of the world; a portfolio of photographs by John Lawson Stoddard
Leather Beaked Shoe, Poulaines or Crakows of the 15th century.
Royal and historic gloves and shoes. The Crackow was found in an ancient house in Toledo.
Costumes during the Republic under Washington and Adams.
Historic dress in America during the Republic under George Washington and John Adams.
Fashion during the reign of James II, William and Mary, 17th c.
Costume of a lady of quality, tradeswoman, gentleman, worker and child, 17th century.
Silks and Flowing Patterns. Chinese and Japanese Art.
The piece of silk representation is one of the finest examples of the decoration of woven fabrics that it is possible to study.
Costumes of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt 2040 to 1782 BC.
The Egyptian Middle Kingdom is often referred to as the feudal era. Most usually associated with the Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Pharaohs.
Clothing of Pre Historic Man. Java Man, Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon.
As we turn our attention to the dress of Mr. and Mrs. Caveman — we could also call them Mr. and Mrs. Cro-Magnon.
The Kit-Cat club. Clubs and club life in London
This famous Club was a threefold celebrity—political, literary, and artistic. It was the great Society of Whig leaders, gallant as well as political.
Egyptian Ornament. Plastic Art, Architecture and Painting.
The mode of decoration with the Egyptians comprises symbolic figure-subjects chiefly in conjunction with hieroglyphics.
Bust of a black African woman and man by Charles Cordier
Masterpieces of industrial art & sculpture at the International exhibition, 1862