Jerusalem. Plan and section of S. Pelagias Tomb on the Mount of Olives by Ermete Pierotti.
Tag: Ermete Pierotti
Jerusalem Explored. Being a description of the ancient and modern city, with numerous illustrations, by Ermete Pierotti. 1864.
Jerusalem. Plan of the Church of the Resurrection and the Holy Sepulchre.
Plan of the Church of the Resurrection and the Holy Sepulchre. Interior views of the Great Dome, Calvary, Greek Chapel, Chapel of S. Helena.
Tomb of the Prophets. Tomb of Lazarus at Bethany.
Plan and sections of the Tomb of the Prophets; View, plan and section of the Tomb of Lazarus at Bethany.
Jerusalem. View of the barrack of the Haram es-Sherif, Temple Mount.
Barrack of the Haram es-Sherif. Northern corner of the Tower Antonia, according to Pierotti. Houses of the time of Saladin. Entrance to the Haram es-Sherif. Mosque of the Little Sakharah. Bevelled rock.
Jerusalem. Views of the Royal Caverns, and of the Grotto of Jeremiah.
Jerusalem Explored. The Cave of Jeremiah. Place of Prayer. Cemetery of Dervishes. The Royal Caverns. Ancient Entrance of the Inner Cave.
View of the arch of the Ecce-Homo, with the smaller arch to the north.
View of the arch of the Ecce-Homo, with the smaller arch to the north, discovered by Pierotti.
Jerusalem. Ancient Jewish work in the Haram Wall.
Ancient Jewish work in the north-east of the Haram Wall, near S. Mary’s Gate. Jerusalem.
The Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. Plans and sections.
The Temple Mount. The Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Wailing-place. Mosaics in the interior. The monolith. The Golden Gate.The Haram es-Sherif (Bab el-Huldah)
Plans and sections of the Royal Caverns, and of the Grotto of Jeremiah.
Ancient Entrance into the Royal Caverns. Grotto of Jeremiah. Cemetery of Dervishes. Fountain. Ancient Room of the period of S. Helena.
Jerusalem. The towers Phasaelus and Mariamne. Citadel Gate.
Citadel Gate. Citadel. Upper Road of Sion. Breast-work of a ditch. Tower Mariamne. Tower Phasaelus.