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Tag: Medieval costume
Medieval costume history. The period between the end of antiquity and the beginning of modern times about the 6th to the 15th century. It includes as superordinate, the Byzantine, Merovingian, Carolingian and Burgundian costume eras. Therein are the Gallic, Celtic, English-Saxon, Normans, Gothic, Romanesque included.
Mode féminine du Moyen Age. Noble anglaise. 13ème siècle.
Les femmes des gentilshommes unissaient sur leurs manteaux ou surcots les armoiries de leurs époux avec celles de leur famille.
Costumes de Noblesse du 14ème siècle. Histoire de la mode médiévale.
La jeune fille qui parle la queue est coiffée d’un bonnet de velours noir. La robe est jaune et garnie sur la poitrine de velours noir; la robe de dessous est verte et la chaussure est noire.
Eleanor of Castile first wife of King Edward I.
Eleanor of Castile (also Leonor, 1241 – † 28 November 1290 in Harby, Nottinghamshire) was the first wife of King Edward I. Royal Consort of England.
Roger Walden, Bishop of London 15th century.
Roger Walden. From a painting on glass in the windows of St. Mary’s Hall, Coventry.
German gothic fashion, 15th century
German gothic fashion 1460 – 1500 Burgundian fashion era.
Women and children costume from 1470.
Women and children costume from 1470.
Sir William Gascoigne, Chief Justice of the Kings Bench.
Sir William Gascoigne (c. 1350 – 1419), Knight, Chief Justice of the Kings Bench in 1413. Reign of King Henry IV.
John Viscount Beaumont K.G. Earl of Boulogne.
John Viscount Beaumont K.G. Earl of Boulogne 1430. Courtier of the reign of King Henry VI. supposed to represent John Viscount Beaumont K.G. Earl of Boulogne. Constable and Lord High… Read More
William Beauchamp of Bergavenny.
William Beauchamp of Bergavenny Anno 1392. 1st Baron Bergavenny, KG. Captain of Calais. Custos of the County of Pembroke in 1392.