Costume cavalcade. State-entry of Emperor Charles V into Nijmegen municipality. The Netherlands, 1546.
Category: 16th Century
Costumes and Fashion in 16th century. Renaissance, Spanish Fashion, Tudor.
Claude de Silly, marshal of Emperor Charles V.
Marshal, Barbesaen, Quartermaster, Drummer, Piper, Sherriff of the Emperor Charles V.
German nobleman in early 16th century fashion
German nobleman in early 16th century fashion. Renaissance costume period Gallery: “Sheets for costume design: historical and folk costumes. Published by Franz Lipperheide, 1876-1887.
16th century tudor shoe of unknown provenance.
16th century tudor shoe. Renaissance fashion period. PLATE IX. FROM its appearance this shoe must be a very old one, but the date and name of its wearer cannot be discovered.… Read More
Tudor high heel shoe. Time of Queen Elizabeth. 16th century.
This shoe was worn with a large buckle, has an immense heel and pointed toe. It dates about the time of Queen Elizabeth
Shoe of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. Tudor 16th century.
This shoe is supposed to have belonged to the beautiful and unfortunate Mary Stuart Queen of Scots England Tudor fashion era 16th century.
The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare.
Mrs. Kendal, Miss Ellen Terry and Mr. Tree in ” The merry wives of Windsor,” by John Collier. The Merry Wives of Windsor is a comedy by William Shakespeare from 1597. The… Read More
Portrait of Lavinia Biglia by Juan Pantoja de la Cruz.
Portrait of Lavinia Biglia by Juan Pantoja de la Cruz. Portrait of a lady of the Pallavicini family. From the painting by Juan Pantoja de la Cruz 1553-1608. Elizabethan court dress. Queen… Read More
Fashion under the Reign of Charles IX. 1560 to 1574.
Charles IX (1550-1574) Duke of Orleans. His reign was dominated by civil wars and the infamous massacre of French Protestants on St Bartholomew’s Eve.
Lady Jane Grey declining the english crown.
Jane Grey claimed in 1553 for a short time the title of Queen of England. Since then, she has been dubbed The Nine Days’ Queen or The Thirteen Days’ Queen.