Priestess. Noble Greek women with peplum. Winner in the Olympics. Bacchus priest. Greek king with regalia.
Category: Genre
Jewish clothing in the ancient world.
Jewish costumes in antiquity. Noble, Warriors, King, High Priest, Levites,
Costumes of Assyrians, Medes and Persians in ancient times.
Assyrian warriors. Warriors with standing shield. Warrior with hand shield. Archer. Man of the people. Noble Assyrians. Assyrian court officials.
Laibach Illyria. Slovenia costume, 1860.
Peasant of Laibach Illyria (Ljubljana). Traditional Slovenia costume, 1860.
German fashion in the 18th century.
German fashion in the 18th century. Romanticism. Top row left to right: women’s fashion in 1793. Chur Saxon field postmaster. Princely Hessian postilion. Right: Costumes in 1788. Bottom row left to… Read More
German and Austrian military uniforms in the 18th century.
German and Austrian military uniforms in the 18th century. Top row left: Württemberg military around 1730. Uniforms of Grenadier, Knight-Captain and General. Right: Württemberg military from 1724 to 1738. Uniforms… Read More
Empire costumes first third of the 19th Century.
First Empire, Regency costumes. First third of the 19th Century. Top row left: Fashion of the year 1814. Right: Fashion of the year 1818. Bottom row left: Fashion of the… Read More
French fashion from 1774 until 1787.
French fashion of the years 1774 until 1780.
Turkish military. Ottoman Empire.
Turkish military, Janissaries. Clothing of Sultana, Sultan and Turkish dancer.
Bavarian Military uniforms in the 19th century.
Bavarian military uniforms at the time of the Napoleonic Wars (Coalition Wars).