Lady Hester Stanhope was an English aristocrat, antiquarian, and one of the most famous travellers of her age.
Category: England
Period Costumes and Fashion from England, Regency, Empire, Georgian, Directory, Victorian and Tudor dresses.
The introduction of the vertugale. Costume silhouettes.
Costume silhouettes of the sixteenth century changed rapidly with the introduction of the corset, the basquine, the hoop skirt, or vertugale.
Library Window Curtain. Regency era 1815.
Design for grand architectural additions and drapes that add Palladian or Venetian proportions to a narrow window bay.
Climbing the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.
Gay Nineties. Late victorian fashion of the 1890s. In about fifteen minutes one can thus reach the summit of Cheops, which is now a platform about thirty feet square.
Royal gloves of Henry VIII. Tudor King of England.
One of the most beautiful pair of gloves probably in existence, and fortunately in a fine state of preservation.
View of a waterman to a coach stand, carrying two pails of water.
At every stand for hackney-coaches in the metropolis, there is one or more persons termed watermen, whose occupation is to attend to the horses.
Anglo-Saxon dress, ornaments and relics of gold and bronze.
The great love of the Saxons for display in dress and ornament led to a very, remarkable development of artistic skill in fashioning and decorating articles of jewelry, which were worn by men in greater profusion than by women.
Constance of Castile, Duchess of Lancaster with horned head-dress.
Constance of Castile (1354 – 24 March 1394) the second wife of John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster with horned head-dress.
The costume worn in the late 14th or early 15th century.
History of Costume. The chaperon, cote-hardie, houppelande, liripipe, poulaines. Fashion of the middle ages.
Armoury. Pikeman’s suit english, early 17th century.
The illustration shows a typical English pikeman’s corselet of the early seventeenth century, at a period when every infantry regiment consisted of musketeers and pikemen in varying proportions.