A noble French lady, is decked the sugar-loaf (hennin) head-dress so commonly adopted during all of the 15th century.
Category: France
Figures of Ecclesiastics of the cathedral of Chartres.
The Cathedral of Chartres, founded in the earliest times of Christianity in the west, is remarkable for the many misfortunes it has sustained.
Head-dresses at the beginning of the 16th century
Head-dresses of the ladies of the 15th century. Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages by Henry Shaw
Algeria Officer of the 9th regiment of horse hunters.
Algeria Officer of the 9th regiment of horse hunters. (Oran 1881)
Inhabitants of Pluvigner, Bretagne 19th c.
Inhabitants of Pluvigner, Bretagne 19th century.
The Burial of Atala. Francois Auguste Chateaubriand.
The Burial of Atala. Francois Auguste Chateaubriand’s “Atala.”
Ensembles of Bernard & Cie and Ardanse.
Ensembles of Bernard & Cie and Ardanse. Art-Goût-Beauté: feuillets de l’élégance féminine.
Création Chanel. Dress worn by Princess Dimitri.
Création Chanel. Dress for afternoon-evening worn by Princess Dimitri Romanov, Princess of Russia.
Robe à la Diane. 18ème siècle la mode rococo.
Robe à la Diane. Jolie Femme vêtu d’une Robe d’un nouveau gout dit à la Diane. Galerie des modes et costumes français.
The Frankish dominions in Merovingian times (486-768).
The Frankish dominions in Merovingian times (486-768). from the decline of the Roman empire: Asia and of the New world connected with European.