The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 2. 1795, by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.

Regency, neoclassical fashion. Georgian fashion era in England.
Gallery of Fashion Vol. 2. April 1795 To March 1796.

The Gallery of Fashion Vol. 2. April 1795 To March 1796. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.

(Regency, neoclassical costumes. Georgian fashion era in England.)


Description of the Costumes.


(Original introduction from 1795.)

THE FIRST Volume of the GALLERY of FASHION has been honoured with such distinguished marks of approbation, that the Publisher is impressed with the highest sense of gratitude, for the very flattering encouragement he has received; and he is the more sanguine in his expectations for the success of the second Volume, as many of his Fair Subscribers have already been pleased to express their wish for the continuation of his work, which however trifling it may appear at first view to the eye of the philosopher, yet as it records all the elegant varieties of female dress, is not only interesting at the present moment, but must become much more so at a remote period, being a complete history of the Fashions of the day, and as such it may not be undeserving a place in the first libraries in Europe.

In former times, Greece was considered as the first country in the world where the Fair Sex had acquired a superior taste in their vestments, and every person of taste has admired the elegant simplicity of their dresses.

In our memory France has given her dresses to other nations; but it was reserved for the Graces of Great Britain to take the lead in Fashion, and to show that, if they do not surpass, they certainly equal the elegance of the most celebrated Grecian dresses. In short, beauty, shape, and taste are no where more general, nor any where better united, than in England.

The Plan of the second Volume is exactly similar to the first, of which it is a continuation; and all the new dresses inserted in the GALLERY of FASHION are not imaginary, but really existing ones.

The price of the second Volume, containing twelve Numbers, and embellished with an allegorical coloured title-page, is Three Guineas to the Subscribers to the first Volume; but to every new Subscriber, who does not purchase the first Volume, the price must be advanced to Four Guineas.

N. B. A few copies of the first Volume, are to be had at the original Subscription price, by applying at the Gallery of Fashion Office, No. 90, Wardour-street, Soho; where Subscribers’ names are received.

THE GALLERY OF FASHION. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
